Monday, September 26, 2005

Movie Review In 10 Words or Less

The Exorcism of Emily Rose
Interesting perspective. Not really scary. That bitch was crazy!

Movie Review In 10 Words or Less

Corpse Bride
Creepy, classic fairy tale. Nightmare was a bit better, though.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Things that make me go "hmm..."

Its off to another party tonight with all my law school chums. Well, two parties actually. And its not like I didn't go out (with a bang) all this week.
here is the burning question for the day...Does the practice of law attract drunken reprobates or does the study of all things legal drive one to ring up a weekly bar tab that is larger than one's monthly utility bill? And what does that say about the Law? I mean, think about it. Either trying to wrap your brain around Civ Pro burns holes in your forebrain, reducing your reasoning while enlarging your liver...OR...only with bloodshot eyes, beer-breath and an Excedrin 5000 hangover can you look at a term like "res ipsa loquitor" and not think "oh yeah, that's that Batman villain". (heh. Next time I am in court trying to argue that all car accidents have inherent negligence issues involved, I hope I shout "Its Ras Al Ghul, your Honor") which ever way you look at it, those who protect your rights are those least likely to be righteous.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

i stole this...

10 Years Ago...
I was a security guard for Kellogg. I was opposed to drinking and alcohol. I was living with my mom. Masturbated.
5 Years Ago...
I was a Sophomore in college. I was drunk every day, except Mother's Day. I was still averse to tatoos. Masturbated.
2 Years Ago...
I was just starting Law School. I was drunk only on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Fridays and Satudays and some Sundays. Didn't drink on Thanksgiving. Have a tattoo from my elbow to my sternum and one on my back. Dating.
1 Year Ago...
I was over Law School. I was only drunk at infrequent parties and all holidays. Making better dating choices.
I am on the Law School Outpatient Program. I need more tattoos. Hungover from Sunday (don't ask). Co-habitating.

Rant 2

as of late, there have been numerous complaints as to the painfully high gas prices throughout the US. i will agree that an $.80 rise in price overnight seems a bit excessive. "Holy shit, it cost me 75 bucks to fill up the 600 sq. ft. apartment i call an SUV! how can this be?"
first of all, though you may cry "this is America" at what i am about to say, you have no business driving that monsterous piece of shit around in the first place. its a "utility" vehicle! what the hell are you hauling, you consumer-whore you? your admittedly-spoiled, highly obese children? You and your fat-cat yuppy hubby and Norman Rockwell AKC doggy that is so "well-bred" that its mom was its sister? groceries? what ever happened to a station wagon? dodge makes that Magnum kick-ass station wagon. gone are the days of the have no excuse!
secondly, i know that at some point, there was a commercial break between the OC and Laguna Beach and you noticed something about some bad weather in Louisiana. sure sure, maybe its all a plot to make you think that gas is now somehow rare and that we need to pay more. maybe george bush created the hurricane with his Dr. Evil Weather Dominator. whatever. the point is that people are far worse off than you are having to lay out 10 bucks more at the pumps. fill up and shut up and wait for it all to blow over. crisis is not an American car company and its not a religious figure. let it go.

CD Review In 10 Words or Less

the White Stripes, Get Behind Me Satan.
Perfect, "but-for" her singing. Stop or get lessons!

DVD Review In 10 Words or Less

Kung Fu Hustle.
Great fun. A little wacky.Looney Tunes, Hidden Dragon.