Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Copious amounts of Scotch and Vodka make for a great catalyst for philosophical debate. My homies and I were chatting up the concepts of racism and classism. I felt that one day we will look back on the attitudes Americans have now about gay marriage and go "tsk tsk" the way we do about the 1950's approach to interracial marriage. One of my boys raised the point that perhaps these social ills grow out of the instinctual desire for tribalism.That people tend to shun others not like themselves out of an inate need to huddle. I tried to counter with the fact that I myself is in an interracial relationship and find it draws little fire or disdain, but the truth is that now i huddle in with the "smart" tribe. That now i cannot suffer the company of the "dimmer" crowd long merely because we have so little in common. I dont give them shit or anything like that, its just that i laugh with them but spend time with my "tribe". we all choose our groups: rich, smart, drunk, fit and pretty, fat and horny, black, asian, jewish, islamic, thug, redneck (and CP pointed out that these last two are essentially the same people i.e. the gun-toting, hard-drinking, wife-slapping, ride-pimping angry poor). I envision a future where the whole world is one (higly intelligent, light brown and bisexual).

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