People on let the truth "slip". when they are mad, when they are 6 sheets to the winds (whatever that means) or when they think they are among their peers. They blurt out all those shadowy nuggets of true honesty that lurk in the darkest, Section 8 subsidized portion of the soul. what i tend to run into in law school are those who feel their place in this world puts them above those outside these marbled walls. they mistake education for being "smart". they make comments about other's failure to surpass high school/college/grad or post-grad as making that person "less than". well let me make two quick points here:
1. some of the wisest and more successful people I know are people who didn't have time to spend years in school. Babies had to be fed and bill paid. some people are bold enough to feel they didn't need to hide in school and stockpile degrees, that really only amount to wall art for which you ultimately pay thousands (take THAT Thomas Kincade). face it, we are here because we need the armorof education to give us the confidence to do what these "uneducated" people do everyday and likely have been doing daily since they were 16. Pussies. We all won the lottery here. not everyone who failed to get in failed to live up to the "standard". and some of us don't really belong here either.
2. you think that acceptance letter makes you all growed up now? let us count the ways that law school is only high school with a fatter price tag:
a. Unplanned/Unwanted pregnancies
b. Fighting over someone else's/no one else's man or woman.
c. RAMPANT promiscuity
d. Binge drinking
e. Cliques
f. Gossip
g. Looking down on underclassmen
h. scary lunchroom lady
All that's missing is P.E. and many of us could use a few laps. I don't know whether we need to grow up or grow down, but this attitude has got to go. I know that I was one "wrong place at the wrong time" situation away from being one of my clients. Check yourself.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
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A sage observation. What is "smart"? I know an individual that "gets it" when it comes to class work & books but I'm certain I could convince him it is in his best interest that he allow me to service his wife once a month-wouldn't want to-but I could.
A better measure is an often worn out phrase hence one too oft taken for granted and that is: COMMON SENSE! Man is there a lack of that. The shortage has no favorites, the "smartest" can not have a lick of it. The perceived dumbest or street people can be loaded with it
. It's those, IMHO, that are in the middle - smarts w/common sense - that have the advantage. You find these individuals both with & without "higher education". The one thing they know that both the smarties and dummies don't always get or want to get is you must pay your dues, whether that is by way of education or jumping in, rolling up your sleeves and going for a goal. Those that get THAT and go for the education these days have the advantage.
When you think you're owed something just because you're "educated" more often that not life bitch slaps you into reality!
The CEO of Bear Sterns for many years (long since retired)had wild success in the face of market problems once said he stayed away from the "educated", as he put it:
"I don't want the MBAs, CPAs, I want the PSDs!" Poor, Smart, Driven to be rich! The company thrived under him for decades!
Excellent observations. I think if I have to deal with one more little punk who is here on mommy and daddy's purse strings I think I will have no choice but to smack him/her in the face. Education is great, but it don't make you any better than anyone else.
I agree wholeheartedly with your sentiments sir. Except for the rampant promiscuity thing. Don't judge me oxymandias.
I would like to do a little survey to see how many law students know what to in the case of a flat tire. I find that to be the true measuring stick of "smart."
Do all y'all lack that much confidence in what you have accomplished? You think working through three years of law school is wining the lottery? I didn't realize everybody else was just "lucky to be here" floating up and down the halls while I was working my ass off these past three years. Luck had nothing to do with it.
"we are here because we need the armorof education to give us the confidence to do what these "uneducated" people do everyday and likely have been doing daily since they were 16."
I simply won't even take the time to attack this one. This is a blanket everybody is better than us because we were lucky enough to succeed and they didn't. Bullshit.
"I would like to do a little survey to see how many law students know what to in the case of a flat tire. I find that to be the true measuring stick of 'smart.'"
Wow, that would really prove something! Then we could let people in trailer parks write each others' wills before performing open heart surgery on each other. Most of them figured how to do that sort of stuff when they go real jobs at 16 and all us jack-assed "doctors" and "attorneys" were just dicking around in school.
"Wow, that would really prove something! Then we could let people in trailer parks write each others' wills before performing open heart surgery on each other. Most of them figured how to do that sort of stuff when they go real jobs at 16 and all us jack-assed "doctors" and "attorneys" were just dicking around in school."
Good point. Maybe you can explain to the trailer park people how it works the next time you're standing next to your stranded Benz, watching them change your tire.
To no surprise, Dude, you misread the blog. it wasnt an attack on how hard you work here, it was a statement to the fact that there are equally or more qualified people out there who DIDN'T get in. Maybe some were due to quotas and some to clever entry essays and some to who your daddy is, but it was an edge that got alot of us here and not just merit. Merit is a factor but have you ever noticed that lawyers kids always get in? Bullshit, indeed.
Not sure how I misread "face it, we are here because we need the armorof education to give us the confidence to do what these 'uneducated' people do everyday and likely have been doing daily since they were 16. Pussies. We all won the lottery here."
I figured that meant, "I am here because I need the armor of education to give me confidence to do what "uneducated people do every day and likely have been doing daily since they were 15. Thus, I am a pussy. I won the lottery."
Usually when I am called a pussy who got where I am because I won the lottery, yes, I take it as an attack.
Guess it is no surprise I misread that- I think most would.
"Good point. Maybe you can explain to the trailer park people how it works the next time you're standing next to your stranded Benz, watching them change your tire."
Very provincial of you to suggest that. I don’t drive a Benz, doubtful I ever will. Got a truck, I change my own tires. Matter of fact, I just changed my serpentine belt a month ago. It was cold outside and I racked my wrist. Do you seriously believe that these skills are exclusive to the “uneducated?” Leave me out of your class war.
This is getting a bit off point, but I have never known Ozymandias to discourage conversation, so I will run with it for a moment. Although a few commentators above would love to lump everyone into some class; many won’t fit. Comical to me that the "open minded" people willing to liberate all from their ignorance are the first to turn around and lump everyone into one class. How is that any different from the prejudice, racism, elitism, or another bigotry that I would assume any reader here would hope to fight? It is not. Thus you have been introduced to America’s greatest hypocrites.
People! People! God I love a good fight! Listen to me for just another 5 sentences. all these Big Brains (hereinafter BBs) who quantify smarts with education are the same people who go on to be CEOs at RJ Reynolds, Exxon and others. Kudos,but remember that all these great companies were formed by men who dropped out of school or never bothered to go (i.e Reynolds, Hughes, Rockefeller). these are names who had the balls to go out and make their way instead of spending 7 years having someone tell how to do what they already had the balls to figure out for themselves. there are inherent risks involved in the legal and medical professions born from not being educated. i, however, am sure that many of us here could have applied there love for (insert area of law) without coming here. if you love business, go start one. if i had known the bruhaha this would have started, i would have started this months ago!
PS dont answer for me like you know what I meant in my own blog!
"Very provincial of you to suggest that. I don’t drive a Benz, doubtful I ever will. Got a truck, I change my own tires. Matter of fact, I just changed my serpentine belt a month ago. It was cold outside and I racked my wrist. Do you seriously believe that these skills are exclusive to the “uneducated?” Leave me out of your class war."
I'll concede to your point when you concede that "smart" is not limited to those with extraneous letters beyond their last name.
I never once said anything about "smart" is limited to "extraneous letters." You are assuming, I believe, the contrapositive of what I have stated. To bar misunderstanding, I will borrow some of your language. I stated that the skills we have chosen to signify here with one who can change a tire are "not limited to those (without) extraneous letters beyond their last name."
Further, if you state something correct, I will not stipulate my agreement with whether you agree with me on another point unless I mean to build some sort of logical fact pattern, the veracity of which is contingent upon the stipulation of certain facts. E.g. statistical understandings or semantics.
In a bit of humor, having stated the above, I would argue the semantics of your use of "extraneous letters," as I see very little extraneous in the letters J.D. or M.D. That said, I agree with and can appreciate your previous comment.
"PS dont answer for me like you know what I meant in my own blog!" In reference to?
In response to..."To no surprise, Dude, you misread the blog. it wasnt an attack on how hard you work here, it was a statement to the fact that there are equally or more qualified people out there who DIDN'T get in. Maybe some were due to quotas and some to clever entry essays and some to who your daddy is, but it was an edge that got alot of us here and not just merit. Merit is a factor but have you ever noticed that lawyers kids always get in? Bullshit, indeed."
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