Wednesday, April 19, 2006

SOOOO Mature

1. I still laugh when my professors say duty (heh, he said doody).

2. I have recently found that there are still people about to become professional who are fighting over boys that dont even belong to them. Not that anyone belongs to anyone. Except my girlfriend...I miss my penis.

3. People say that gay marriage may lead to dog-fucking. First, dogs are already being molested, so... Second, we, as Americans, have a duty (teehee) to listen to the minority and to help the downtrodden.

4. see next post


Chris W. McCarty said...

"People say that gay marriage may lead to dog-fucking."

Who are these people and how do you know them?

Anonymous said...

"Who are these people and how do you know them?"


Woof woof woof woof, woof woof. Bark, woof bark bark woof woof woof.

Bark bark,
