Friday, June 09, 2006

Yo encontra a traves de ello mentir

I came to a recent realization. I was sitting in a Mexican restaurant, looking over the menu. I was trying to decide what to have for dinner that would conform with my new eating lifestyle. This particular establishment (which shall remain nameless for fear of retribution for letting "el gato" out of the bosillo) listed all of their items with a description of each entree's contents. Thats when it hit me! All Mexican food is actually the SAME GODDAMN Dish! Meat, cheese, sauce on a baked tortilla; meat, cheese, sauce on a fried tortilla, meat cheese sauce on a raw tortilla, on a little tortilla, on a big tortilla, blah blah blah. Those scamming little bastards. This is the greatest wool-pulling scam since the pet rock! Not that I blame them. We all have it coming. And it beats orange peddling on I-40. Muy despejado!

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