Monday, October 03, 2005

A Bird in the Hand...

it seems that George W. Bush has nominated a gimmick..pardon me..a woman to serve as the newest Supreme Court Justice. Unruffle those feathers, ladies! I am all for women's rights. If I had a bra, it would have been engulfed in flames long ago. But here is the rub. this woman is not a judge, never has been and isnt even well versed it seems in the intricacies of Constitutional and legislative history. this is the smartest thing "W" has ever done. Now there is someone else who is going to be even more inept at their high-profile government position than he is. If your speech sucks, make sure you go o before the kid with the stutter. Now THAT is how you polish a turd!


Anonymous said...

The whole never been a judge before serving on court thing was a pretty weak and predictable talking point. The Liberals would have been better off punting that one. As it is, they may just get called out on it. In support of my somewhat more belligerent comrade, whose speech remains eloquent in a unique sort of way, I offer a few examples: Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist had never been a judge before joining the court. John Marshall had never been a judge before joining the court. Lewis F. Powell, Jr. had never been a judge before joining the court. Abe Fortas had never been a judge before joining the court. Arthur J. Goldberg had never been a judge before joining the court. Byron R. White had never been a judge before joining the court. Earl Warren has already been discussed. Tom C. Clark had never been a judge before joining the court. Harold Burton had never been a judge before joining the court.
Robert H. Jackson had never been a judge before joining the court. James F. Byrnes had never been a judge before joining the court. Harlan Fiske Stone had never been a judge before joining the court.
William O. Douglas had never been a judge before joining the court. Felix Frankfurter had never been a judge before joining the court. Stanley Reed had never been a judge before joining the court. Hugo L. Black was a Police Court Judge in Alabama before joining the court - I think that only counts half. Owen J. Roberts had never been a judge before joining the court. Charles E. Hughes had never been a judge before joining the court.
Pierce Butler had never been a judge before joining the court.
George Sutherland had never been a judge before joining the court.
Louis D. Brandeis had never been a judge before joining the court.
James C. McReynolds had never been a judge before joining the court. William H. Moody had never been a judge before joining the court.
Rufus Peckham had never been a judge before joining the court. George Shiras, Jr. had never been a judge before joining the court. Melville W. Fuller had never been a judge before joining the court.
Lucius Q.C. Lamar had never been a judge before joining the court.
Morrison R. Waite had never been a judge before joining the court.
Joseph P. Bradley had never been a judge before joining the court. Salmon P. Chase had never been a judge before joining the court. Noah Swayne had never been a judge before joining the court. Nathan Clifford had never been a judge before joining the court.
John A. Campbell had never been a judge before joining the court.
Benjamin R. Curtis had never been a judge before joining the court. John McKinley had never been a judge before joining the court. Roger B. Taney had never been a judge before joining the court. Henry Baldwin had never been a judge before joining the court. Joseph Story had never been a judge before joining the court. Bushrod Washington had never been a judge before joining the court. William Paterson had never been a judge before joining the court. James Wilson had never been a judge before joining the court.

Anonymous said...

I do not deem to doubt the ability of anyone to be a Supreme Court Judge without ever having been a judge before. I would just like to point out (without profanity) that, with the exception of two of the justices listed, the individuals named previously came up in a time when you didnt even have to go to high school/college to become a lawyer. you took the entrance exam and you were in. i think we have become accustomed to asking more from our Justices, that's all. I dont think anyone is saying that Bush's nominee is inept just yet. she merely isnt what we see as ideal anymore.

Anonymous said...

Someone needs a history course. Looking at the long list, I can tell you that at the very least, Rehnquist, Powell, Fortas, Goldberg, Douglass, Stone, Douglass, Frankfurter, Black, and Brandeis all served in the 20th century--by which time you certainly needed to have done more than graduated high school to become a lawyer.

Anonymous said...

Okay, so I listed "Willie O" twice. But seeing how he served longer than any other justice (36 years), maybe he needs to be double-listed!

(it's good to be) The KING said...

Kids! Kids! listen. the requirement completion of a Bachelor's Degree before entrance into a College of Law was not instituted until 1943. anyone before that year could get in after passing an entrance exam or being accepted to a college without having to attend. Having said that, it will all come out in the wash as to whether this lady is just a lady or if she is Court material. Thats why this is only the beginning of the nomination process. Quit waving your histories around and wait and see!

Anonymous said...

The Big B says y’all should have shown up to the Fed Soc's discussion on the judicial nomination process. Some cool highlights: If you were on law review, your chances of congressional approval dramatically decrease for a position as a circuit court judge. Thank goodness I decided to skip that whole bluebooking thing.