Friday, October 28, 2005


JFK's adminidtration, with its peaks and valleys, has gone down in history as Camelot, a golden time for the White House. I thought the above might be a fitting title for the current admin. to carry into the future. Shady election results, questionable war motives, dishonest past dealings, checkered criminal history, poor nominations and current scandals reaching all the way to the VP. Kennedy made many of the same mistakes, but managed to shine all the while. W just sits there like a car that has a good coat of dried carnuba wax on it, but no one to chamois it clean. I am sure that any criticism will draw fire to me, but come on people! Supporting W just cuz you're a Republican is like saying OJ was innocent just cuz you are black. I can't blame OJ, but I can't say he didn't do it...cuz he did.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Supporting W just cuz you're a Republican is like saying OJ was innocent just cuz you are black."

Good friend, you and I agree on politics about 50% of the time. Luckily you don't really seem to care a ton about politics. Although I will disagree with much of your criticism of Bush (BTW, don't critcize him just cuz you're not Republican ;)), You have made a very good point.

- The Big B