Wednesday, December 13, 2006


I have no real love for trees. I mean they are great to climb when you are a kid and to lie under when you don't really have a fucking job and that whole 'oxygen purification thing' (which may be a hoax concocted by trees) but I don't really think about them from day to day. Like the homeless of the flora world, I pass them daily and usually ignore them, unless one falls into the road in front of my car. And don't try hugging one...It chaffs.
Anyway, I was getting lecture about wasting office supplies (I guess pointing out that paper DOES grow on trees) I came up with the solution for all this deforestation for paper. Silly putty.
Check it out. Instead of mailing off copies, xeroxing and faxing shit on all this clean paper, slap on some sillyputty, make a copy of your legal docs and roll it up and dribble it down to the court house! Awesome!
You trees can thank me later.

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