Tuesday, December 12, 2006

In the Spirit of Festivus...

The Airing of Grievances!

*When did Black people rise to the status level that racists think they can tell us racist jokes about Mexicans?

*How is it that 10% of the population is supposed to be gay but that 10% along with all its supporters only managed a 2% turn out on the change to the Constitutions this last election?

*There aint shit extreme about Tickle Me Elmo Xtreme

*No one told the networks it was OK to NOT air any new shows during December/January. Mid-season break my ass!

*Paris Hilton is famous for being famous. Aint that a bitch?

*Lawyers Lie! To everyone! Including themselves.

*the gift-buying has gotten out of control. but now that i can afford to buy some gifts everyone is all like "nah, you got a new baby so forget it". well fuck that! the holidays are all about showing those you love just how much you make! where was that sympathy for my finances when i was living off that sorry ass government check that showed up bi-annually and always 3 weeks after the holidays? what a gyp!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

do i get to air greivances now? cuz well, you NEED to buy a new computer, and get a couple of client chairs. really, i have never had to beg someone to spend MY money before. and btw- now that you know i read your blogs, will you censor yourself? please dont, as it would be so much more entertaining to read about annoying parts of your work life (e.g. me)!