Friday, January 18, 2008

5 things I'd do with $50 billion dollars

Bill Gates is worth just shy of $50 billion dollars. I can live quite well on only $1 billion (i'm frugal that way) so here are 5 things i'd do with the change.
1. Change my name to Tom Brady's Penis, so when i make charitable donations and build hospitals, some stuffy suit will have to announce that "this new Obstetrics Center was made possible by Tom Brady's Penis". He'd sue but, hey, i can afford it.

2. Sponsor the best NASCAR team and plaster my new name all over it.

3. Buy Trump organization just so I could fired the Donald.

4. Manufacture and sell the ugliest car known to mankind, but then price it at a dollar so everyone will still buy it.

5. Buy several plots of land in every state along I-40 and put statues of myself (well-muscled and nude of course) on the plots. Maybe I will make each one slightly different from the last so if you drive by fast enough, it looks like I'm moving.

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