Friday, November 17, 2006

Things I Hate Today

1. People who love a certain story so much that every time they have the chance they tell it, which ultimately leads to them telling you the same story about 77 times. I get it. Vegas was great. Trying leaving Knoxville more than once in your life so you can get some new material.

2. the same guy from the first one who starts his story with "I think I may have told you this one" but still proceeds to tell it, heedless of my nodding head and my finishing his sentences for him.

3. Body odor. Easy remedied body odor, especially.

4. That black and orange peanut-flavored candy SOMEBODY keeps buying every Halloween, making candy companies think that shit is a hot ticket item so they keep churning it out.

5. Poor people who vote Republican just cuz they hate gays when most Republicans only do it for the tax break and could give two fucks about the single mom who works at the tire plant, Burger King AND Wendy's.

6. The fact that I live in a state that is proven to be about 10% gay, but there is a ballot to vote down a ban on gay marriage, it passes by a 97% majority. Are all the homosexuals the married, repressed kind who only have kids because they have an active imagination and a subscription to GQ "for the fashion tips"?

7. Al Roker. Cuz he looks like poo.

8. People who fill their blogs with the minutia of their daily lives. "Today I dyed my hair but I think its too brown". As if we give a shit. Only BrAngelina can get away with that shit.

9. Winter. except for the clothes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Re No. 1:

It is physically impossible for me to agree more. I am only slightly more aggravated by people who repeat television and movie plots to me. While we're watching it. I heard it. Just a second ago. From a guy who knows how to deliver the line. But thanks for making me miss the last ten minutes listening to you repeat the 10 minutes before that.