Wednesday, March 07, 2007

I'm A Big Ball of Satan

I get clients' invitations to join them in their church service all the time. "You should come. It'll be good for you" Huh? Isn't this the same church you go to? Has it been all that great for you? Aren't you here for a DIVORCE? Isn't the state taking your kids, lady? You feel better because you're dumping wads of cash in the collections plate yet you're the same lady who is having trouble paying my discounted rate, right? Fat lot of good its doing you. Maybe its just YOUR church. Maybe if I go to a more Republic church, the rates and returns are higher. I know. I'm going to hell. But I bet all the cool people are gonna be there. Elvis. Anna Nicole. Jim Morrison. Jimi. Andy Warhol. Ghandi, according to some. Every 80s hair band.
I don't know. I get up early and wear a suit enough during the week. Sundays are for jam-jams and sleep ins.

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