Friday, January 12, 2007

Why I Became A Lawyer

I spent an entire day in court yesterday, championing the rights of an elderly lady against her estranged husband. He violated an Order of Protection and I had to fight.
Before your chest gets all swollen with pride, let me tell you what he did wrong.
Apparently, the Order stated "the Respondent (thats the Husband) may not enter the laundry room of the retirement high rise in which they both reside except on Sundays and Mondays after 9pm".

He washed his clothes on a Thursday.

Thats it. I will avoid the obvious jokes about airing dirty laundry and just say:
1. Shame on the Court for ever drafting this Order.
2. This little old lady wanted him to do jail time. And he's older than her and we had to reset the case once because he had a heart attack.
3. The bailiff laughed the whole time.
4. and the clerk.
5. and the Judge
6. and me.
7. He almost went to jail and will serve 5 days if ever in the laundry room outside of the prescribed parameters for washing his drawers.

I bet chiropractors never have to do this shit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok - now THAT i hilarious!!! Wish I could have watched that unfold!