Thursday, June 22, 2006

5 Things I Hate Today

1. People who see there friends while driving down a public road, pull over window to window and decide to chat, with no regard to the horns blairing behind them.

2. David Hasselhoff, who cant seem to let go of his bad suits, worse hair and apparently his now-estranged wife's throat. Get me outta here, KIT!

3. when people run microwaves down to the last few seconds, stop them and take their food out without clearing the timer. Now, when you look to see whats the time, you get an answer like 00:09. is that military time? well hell its barely past midnight! I thought it was morning. Back to bed!

4. People who bitch about how life is so unfair. is that really breaking news, Tits McGee? that line has been going around since the Flood. talk about unfair! its like asking a fat man if he's hungry.

5. the NFL for not allowing all countries to participate in the game. I would love to see us play some Polynesian teams, some crazy Irishmen or a pack of rabid Australian footballers. But wouldnt it suck if we got beaten at our own game? i can hear it now! "COngratulations to our new Superbowl champions, the Finnish Mjolnirs!!!

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