Tuesday, June 13, 2006


There is nothing better than Deadwood. the internal politics, the murders, the ever-changing infrastructure. what do you mean you don't watch it? sure, it takes a few episodes to understand the mode of speech (except, oddly enough, for the profuse profanity), but it is made like no other show in history. and the best part is that all the characters (well, most) were real people in this real town at this time!
Calamity Jane and her wise ass loveability. when asked why she drinks so much, her answer was "I drink what i am able. if that comes to much, thats the day's affair and the liquor's". she's so cute.
Bullock and his tendency to speak his mind, even though he speaks that mind with his fists.
Swearengen. Murderer of families. Thief. Underworld boss. Feeder of men to pigs. and the best damn villain ever. no one is more rotten, until...
Cy Tolliver. Pimp and gambler, killer of children. turns brother against brother. evil incarnate.
Hurst and Wolcott (thank God that c*cksucker is dead), Charlie Utter, Trixie, EB, unchaste Alma Garrett, Dan and his knife, Mr. Wu (whose only english is "cocksucker"), on and on.
Its perfect really.
9pm EST
On Demand
Do it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

jane!!!!!!!!! i LOVE that sweet Jane.
