Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Guantanamo Schmantanamo

Baby Loblaw, you win.
Day 7.
She has waged a relentless campaign against. First she pretends to be my friend; she coos and smiles and pats my back. Then suddenly, the truth.
Screaming in my face, vomiting in my eyes, sleep deprivation tactics. I cant even get a spoon of food to my mouth without reprimand. I'm wasting away. Classic techniques. I saw it all on the History Channel, but it seemed so distant and unreal on TV. But its real, my God, its real.
And the worst part is, she won't give me an 'out'. She won't tell me what I have to say, who I have to rat out, what she wants me to admit to to make it stop. Taliban? No problem. 9/11? I did it. Kennedy? King? Fucking Lincoln? All me! Just make it go away!
And the worst part is, after each night of abuse, I have to get up and go to work.
I googled the list of tortures she is implimenting, to see if there is some kind of governmental body I can appeal to in hopes of relief. Theres a name for what is being done to me. The internet calls it "teething'". Sounds Chinese. No surprise there. They INVENTED torture.
Geneva Convention, my ass. Damn you, Mitt Romney, make it go away!


Unknown said...

Poor sweet baby!

When are we going to get more pictures?

Anonymous said...

Wait until she is thirteen, when you get all of the war tactics without the smiles, coos or backpats!!