Monday, February 27, 2006

Out Clause

As I sit here trying to decipher the mad analogies of my Estate Planning Professor (how is a trust like a train), I think it necessary to make a quick statement. I have been accused, on more than one occasion, of making blanket statements that offend the sensitive. Let me set the record straight. I DO NOT make blanket statements. Except the one I just made about blanket statements. When I make a statement in this bling, I always leave the possibility open in my mind that I am wrong or that I am not covering all the bases. Making blanket statements is like flagging down the cops with a bloody shirt on and a gun in my hand: you tend to take shots that you may not deserve. True: Oprah is an egomaniacal, self-absorbed bajillionairess. She is also the Oprah who just built and gave away all the homes in a subdivision to victims of Katrina. Sure I said that alot of us are in law school out of pure good fortune. That is not to say that those here dont work hard. But it easily could have been someone else in my seat if not for my "clever entry essay" (ask me about it sometimes). Only racists and art critics make blanket statements and think that its all good. When you have a problem with my statements:
1. remember, this is just me ranting
2. remember, this is my bling, so I GET to say whatever I want
3. problem? fire off a comment about it, but not at me
4. remember this Out Clause.

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