Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Bracketeering: N ever C an A nticipate A nything

Great Odin's Raven! What the hot hell happened to all the strong teams? I don't really watch sports, but there's something undeniable about the aptness of the name March Madness. These are not these overpaid, Brokeback, butter butts in the NBA who are only thinking of how they can get one more inch added to the rims on their ride without scrapping the frame of their platinum-dipped Hummer. These are kids playing for guts and glory, pride and desire... and to show the scouts they are worthy of a contract that includes some form of vehicle coated in precious metal. Those boys are HUNGRY! Notice they never make movies about NBA comeback teams.
So then, back to my point. Whatever happened to those staple teams? The ones you could count on to be at the top? Puke? Texass? Villanoway? Is it that the fire in their bellies has gone out? Is this a case of the gap between the NCAA and the NBA blurring? Maybe these top ranked teams take it for granted that Britney Spears State University can still shoot the ball. These 1st tier teams are already thinking of what they are going to stock their fridges with for their appearance on Cribs. It seems to me that they have the opinion that they deserve to be where they are just because of who they are. Thats called underestimation. See what Sun Tzu says about that.
I know, I know. I am just sore that UCLA is the only team in my bracket that is still around. I am a sore loser. Next year I'll just hand you guys my money, skip the bracket and just enjoy my beer and watch the effing games.

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